Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy Monday!

Good morning sisters!  How are you all doing this week?  How was your week last week?  How's Noah doing, Vanessa?  How about your job?  Mindy, I noticed you went to a couples retreat a few days ago?  How exciting!  How was it and how are your girls?  Kelly, how was your first week back at work?  I thought about you a lot and prayed for you last week.  How is Audrey doing with Aaron?  How are you feeling Jamie?  How's your family and how are things with Dale's new schedule? 

I'd really love for us all to be able to pray for each other through this study.  How can I pray for you all this week? 

Sending you all lots of love and hugs this week!!!


Mindy said...

Sorry this has taken me so long to get on and respond to everything. What a great opportunity we have to be a "help meet" for our husbands through this study. One of the greatest tools we have as wives is our tongues/speech. We have the power to make or break our husbands through our words. And I for one need a lot of help in this area. It's so easy for us to say we are right or to say that we told you so, but we can destroy them. I read this verse today James 1:19 "Wherefore, my beloved brethen, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath". Words are power...let us all try to use them to build our husbands self-esteem not to tear him apart(I'm speaking to myself here :)). The couples retreat was awesome! I was really convicted in how I run my home and how I am setting the example to my daughters on how to be a godly wife. Your husbands are the ordained authority over you...let us remember to pray for them in that huge responsiblity they have. I'm excited for what this study is going to bring and how it will strengthen us and our families!
(Sorry my thoughts are so jumbled :)).

Tara said...

I totally agree that our words and the way in which we say them hold so much power to either help or hurt our husbands (and kids too, for that matter). Thank you so much for reminding me of that verse in James. I've really needed that these past few days. Since we're being real with each other here, I would say that I was doing okay with praying for and encouraging Bill the first few days of the week if I was really being intentional about it (like Jamie said it was actually harder than I thought it would be to remember to focus on this), but the last couple were a little rough. Let's just say that a Mt. Vesuvius of (I wish I could say hormone-induced) witch-iness erupted and I unfortunately was the molten, spewing center. It wasn't pretty and I didn't look like my Father at all. Like you said Mindy, I also need a lot of help with controlling my tongue sometimes. I've noticed that I especially fail in this area when I am trying to do it on my own. I need to remember that His grace is sufficient for me and His strength is made perfect in my weakness. When a situation comes up in which I feel those sharp words on my lips, instead of just gritting my teeth and trying to be "nice", I really need to pray and focus on verses like these. Would you all pray for me in this area? I was thinking about how it says in Proverbs that the tongue has the power of life and death. I really want to speak words that pour out life to Bill and Ian (and others too, but to those guys especially).

Mindy, I'd love to hear more about what God is laying on your heart about how you run your home and the example you set. I've been feeling convicted in so many ways relating to that too lately. I want to be an example of a strong, godly woman in my home. I'm working on speaking words of life to Bill this week and even more on not speaking words that bring him down. I love what you said Jamie about seeking opportunities to love on Dale and not just waiting for them to come. I totally need to do that too and I think I really need to start getting creative in this area more often.

Praying for you all as we start fresh tomorrow!

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